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This is a digitalised rendering of a Hieronymus Bosch (The 15th century Netherlandish painter) painting collaged with images of people on the London Underground with a supporting soundscape.



Technology allows for experimentation with medium in the field of painting.By using digital media I reference the relationship between screens, and the consumption of information in the modern era.


I am drawn to the grotesque mask-like faces in Bosch's work. Bosch's painting, which depicts Christ carrying the cross, creates a cynical depiction of his contemporary society.


The work references the Science of Physiognomics (perception of character based on physical attributes). As written about as early as Aristotle:


I will now state from what types the signs are drawn, and this is the complete number. The physiognomist draws his data from movements, shapes and colours, and from habits as appearing in the face, from the growth of hair, from the smoothness of the skin, from voice, from the condition of the flesh, from parts of the body, and from the general character of the body.


I am fascinated by the idea that faces were thought to indicate moral and characteristic attributes of a human being. Indeed, I see how this thought would influence early colonial ideology and anthropological sketches of other cultures.

Indeed, it is interesting to note, how people related human characteristics with animalistic features to try and understand human behaviours.



Leonardo da Vinci, Study of Five Grotesque Heads, 1494, Ink on paper, 10 x 8 inches

Its fascinating to note how imagesof facial representations have circulated to inform people of another's characteristics. Leonardo da Vinci painted the study of five Grotesque heads for his students.


I want to look at how medievil painters depicted other races. 

Further research: Alixe Bovey's Monsters and Groteques


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