Curious, absorbed, amazed, naïve, bewildered, disturbed, unnerved and discomforted…I am fascinated by the repetition of daily life.
Repetition that transforms activity into sacred ritual. My work draws from ethnographic devises imersion, observation, participation and informant interviews. I use a wide range of media to interpret, process and explore my experiences of the culture that surrounds me.
At first, repetitive movements appear familiar and insignificant yet put them under a microscopic lens and they shift into an exotic realm: we see the uncanny and the absurd.
Taking the everyday as a subject, the work orbits themes of identity and it engages with its inherently political and psychological dimensions.
Key elements of anthropological text inform my work. I consider
Arnold Van Gennep's three stage model of ritual structure: Preliminal, liminal and postliminal phases and Victor Turner provides a useful description of liminality and communitas to understand social collectivity of ritual. The ritual process leads participants through stages that transforms their identities and creates new social bonds. I use these interpretations to observe my surrounding culture: Grooming, brushing teeth and morning commutes. By examining everyday ritual we uncover great mythologies that form our daily experience.
The Koppel Project, August 2019
Imperial Festival, Exhibition Road, 2019
Lombok,Tottenham Court Road, June 2019
Cadagon Hall, Salone Square, June, 2019
The Nunnery, April, 2019
A Portugese Love Affair, April, 2019
Islands of Imagination: An Indonesian Cultural Late, Asia House, London, February 2019
Artopia,Yunus Emre Insititute, January 2019
Rites and Ritual, Artcore, Derby, December 2018- January 2019
Mask Exhibition, Embassy of the Republic Indonesia, London, November 2018
The Face of Amerta, Lansdown Hall and Gallery, Stroud, 2018
Exhibition, Fountayne Road Open Warehouse Day, August 2018
Exposed, Ben Oakley Gallery, London, 11 – 14 August 2016
Nausicaa24, Amsterdam, December 2018
Sheroes' Journey, Open Warehouse Day, London 2018
MA, Painting, Wimbledon College of Art, UAL
Darmassiswa Scholar at Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, ISI Denpasar, Indonesia
BSc, Social Anthropology, The London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE)